Benefits of Installing UV Lamps with Air Conditioning Units

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Benefits of Installing UV Lamps with Air Conditioning Units

Benefits of Installing UV Lamps with Air Conditioning Units

• Aug 28th 2023

Air conditioners in any space are a requirement to ensure the space is at a comfortable temperature with enough good quality air to breathe comfortably. However, air conditioners are also prone to circulating airborne pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and more.

And these airborne pathogens can cause a host of health issues for people breathing the air. The best way to overcome this issue is to install UV lamps along with your air conditioning units.

UV lamps have been known to eliminate 99.99% of pathogens from air, water, surface, and more. There have been countless studies showing the effects of UV germicidal lamps on eliminating a wide range of pathogens.

So, installing UV lamps with air conditioning units will be beneficial in the long run. And if you are still not convinced, we have listed the benefits of installing UV lamps with air conditioning units.

Benefits of Installing UV Lamps with Air Conditioning Units

 1. Decrease absenteeism

When you install UV lamps with air handling units, you ensure the workspace is free of pathogenic and allergic particles. This keeps your workforce healthy, thus decreasing absenteeism. It will also help you increase productivity in the workplace.

 2. Remove industry-specific toxins

Since each business uses different processes, equipment, and machines for operations, they also produce several industry-specific toxins, volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These particles can be toxic in high concentrations. Installing UV lamps with air handling units allows you to eliminate these industry-specific toxins effectively and keep your space toxin free.

 3. Prolong the life of air conditioners

Air conditioner passageways and ducts are prone to the accumulation of microorganisms, mildew, and mold. Heavy accumulation increases the circulation of these microorganisms in the air, along with creating unpleasant odors.

Installing UV lamps with air conditioning systems ensures there is no buildup of microorganisms, mold, and mildew. This also reduces the unpleasant odors and helps you prolong the life of air conditioners as air ducts and passageways will be clean and will require lesser maintenance.

 4. Lower energy costs

When you have a massive accumulation of microorganisms in air conditioning passageways, it creates a biofilm on drain pans, coils, and vents. This will make the air conditioner work harder, using more energy and increasing your costs.

However, when you install UV lamps with air handling units, it reduces the buildup of biofilm on critical components of an air conditioner. This makes the air conditioner work smoothly using less energy, decreasing your energy costs.

 5. Work at a wide range of temperatures

Air conditioners maintain the temperature of the space on a wide range starting from 40° to 120° F (4° to 48° C). UV lamps can work at these temperatures effectively, hence making them the best choice to install with air conditioners.

Bottom Line

Installing UV lamps with air conditioners will be beneficial in terms of health, money, and time. Hence, make sure to get them installed with your air conditioner units now.

And we at Light Spectrum Enterprises, Inc. can manufacture customized UV lamps for air conditioning units for residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. Our OEM services will make sure you have the desired UV lamps for specific applications.

Contact our sales team now to find out more about OEM services. 

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